Welcome and thanks for looking!
Please notice the tabs at the top of the page! They are there for you if you are new to the practice, also!
Before you do a lot of reading! You can just drop in! We are a drop in practice, which should sound different, but also convenient, easy, and practical!
Can I get an appointment you might ask?
Sure! It's just not necessary!
Let's be upfront here... just because you look up a chiropractor on a website or read a review it doesn't mean you really know whether or not it's going to be a good fit! Thankfully, a large number of our new folks are sent in from friends and family but still you won't know until you actually come visit!
So, check us out here. Poke around. Get to know us. Ask your friends about us. Find us on Facebook, read the blog, follow us on Twitter or however you do it! Then, stop by the office or contact us. You will figure it out. I have confidence in you!
OR Want to learn and have a little fun? Remember Sam I am? Here it is with a chiropractic twist!
Sam I AM and Chiropractic!