We left out the really gushy ones...hahaha

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I have to thank you for the great job you have done on me since I arrived at your door a year or so ago. For the first time since before 2002 that I have been able to drive the 4 & 1/2 hours to visit our very close friends on Southern New Jersey. I feel like I have been set free. We are here for their son’s small wedding. Now we know we can return for the big reception. Thank you so much. If you wish to print and post this in your office for others to see please do.
Rosemary J.
I recently had my 4th baby. She was a sweet little thing for the first few days to a week, then she became inconsolable at times, crying and nothing would soothe her, she would projectile vomit regularly and seem to be in gassy discomfort at all times. She wouldn’t sleep unless I held her upright. It was determined reflux was the likely cuprit. I adjusted my diet and eliminated anything and everything that could possibly be the offending food, but while she had moments of improvement, nothing was consistent. On my next appointment with my natural doctor, she suggested that I take the baby for an adjustment, to see if delivery, etc was the culprit before we tried any further type of treatment. I brought her to Dr. Rick when she was 8 weeks old. There was pretty much an immediate change in her disposition and sleep habits. She began to sleep through the night IN HER BED within 2 days, she hasn’t projectile vomited since, and seldom spits up more than your average baby. At 13 weeks now, she is sleeping 10-12 hours a night, wakes up happy and has been a dream baby. When people ask me what I think made the difference, I tell them about the adjustments… Most are perplexed about taking a baby to the chiropractor or that an adjustment would affect overall wellness as it did. I have been telling all of my friends with babies, chiropractic is the way to go!! :-)
Thanks again! And by the way, Ben came home and told his brothers how easy it was. We’ll be back in a few weeks…
I came in to see Dr. Rick yesterday, feeling cranky, achy, old and in a downward spiral. Getting up every AM was very discouraging because everything creaked, standing up straight was a MAJOR effort and how was I ever going to get down the stairs to feed my old cat Buddy. So hoping for a miracle, I plodded in to see Dr. Rick. He listened to my complaining with a very kind expression, then began to work his “magic”. I left the office feeling maybe I’d live after all. Imagine my JOY when I woke up this morning and stood up straight with no effort!!! The joints all worked with no pain!! And Buddy was purring like mad that he didn’t have to wait forever to get fed while I got myself in gear. Seriously, why had I waited so long to get adjusted, and why was I surprised that there was such dramatic relief. So my heartfelt thanks to our dear Dr. Rick. See you sooner and Merry Christmas!
I went to see Dr. Rick recently to get my overall wellness adjustment, and he helped me big time with my tendonitis. My left hand hurts badly at times, and it affects the things I like to do – yoga, writing, work. After I got adjusted by Dr. Rick, the pain was gone out of a sudden, and hasn’t come back since! Thank you so much, Dr. Rick, for your healing touch!
I would describe my health before receiving my chiropractic adjustments as very up and down. Most days were very uncomfortable.
I came in because my friend recommended you. I was
I was not skeptical about chiropractic care, I was just not sure you could help me.
I have noticed since I began chiropractic care that
1) Internal organs/digestion works more smoothly.
2) Able to stop taking stomach meds even with my doctor’s permission.
3) Better overall well being.
What impressed me most was your love for your patients.
Signed —Joan. from East Hampton, CT
I was in a lot of pain. I chose your office because I heard you were the best. I was skeptical because I didn’t know how you could change my bones!!! I now sit straighter, am happier and healthier!
Signed — Pat. from West Hartford, CT
I began care about 2 ½ years ago in your office and come for wellness care now. My migraines and lower back pain have stopped. I have clear thinking as I write my research papers for my doctorate in institutional leadership. I recently had surgery on my foot. My healing time was shorted by 4 months!! My stamina is great. I attribute all of this to my chiropractic care! Thanks Dr Rick
Signed — Diane from Wolcott, CT
I would describe my health before receiving my chiropractic adjustments as unhealthy. I was sore most days and easy tasks would give me pain. I heard of you by word of mouth. I was guarded about chiropractic care and thought it was a joke. I have noticed since I began chiropractic care that I have better sleep, no more shoulder pain and feel better all around. I have been most impressed with how you can easily read the body. You always seem to know exactly where “it” is an what I need.
Signed Paul from Farmington, CT
Dr Rick... We have two babies-born around 2 AM this morning! Both out head first - no complications, no chemical interventions - thank you thank you thank you for helping it all go so smoothly! Recovering! Have a wonderful Thanksgiving!
Headache free day!!!! My daughter says she will be coming back :) Thank you, Dr. Rick!